ok so its back to normal sats.like meetings,mass yea.
but sometimes i feel its sucha waste of a good sat.
but oh well,its all for God. <3.=)
Ive always wondered why people spend their entire lives looking for themselves, trying to find who they are. but why? we are merely bi products of our experiences. everything in life influences us in some way. the terms "fake" and "poser" mean nothing. we are all just that, none of us are completely original. we draw on others to create something of our own. it is safe to say, we are collages of our surroundings. think about it, if you were left in a room with no interaction. would you have a personality?who would you be? so for those seeking to find their true "self" look no further. look no deeper. you are who you are as you are at this minute. nothing more. nothing less.ok.yeaaaa.i gtg now.gotta get ready for meetin.
over and out!
We Traced The Sun Back To The Sky.
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