Better then the riches of this world,Better than the sound of my friends voices,Better then the biggest dreams of my heart.and thats just the start.

ok today was pretty tiring.i went to church in the mornin for mass with jude(for awhile).hahah yea then we hanged at my place and i helped my bro in law put up the shelfs in my room.then we went to carls jr for dinner(aka peter and jude's journey to carls jr )hhahaha,inside joke.ok then i called dilan then he met us there.we hunged outside carls jr for about an hr then cabbed home yeaaaa.and i just realised smth today.jude waz tellin me.u know when u go to subway to eat and theres a free flow on drinks.soo wads the use on upsizing.its so dumbbbb.but anyways i upsized before.hahah so nvm.ok i think no one reads my blog anymore.nvm! i have fun reading my own blog (seriously i do! =) ).alrite then.i need sleep.its 12.08am now.

ok today was pretty tiring.i went to church in the mornin for mass with jude(for awhile).hahah yea then we hanged at my place and i helped my bro in law put up the shelfs in my room.then we went to carls jr for dinner(aka peter and jude's journey to carls jr )hhahaha,inside joke.ok then i called dilan then he met us there.we hunged outside carls jr for about an hr then cabbed home yeaaaa.and i just realised smth today.jude waz tellin me.u know when u go to subway to eat and theres a free flow on drinks.soo wads the use on upsizing.its so dumbbbb.but anyways i upsized before.hahah so nvm.ok i think no one reads my blog anymore.nvm! i have fun reading my own blog (seriously i do! =) ).alrite then.i need sleep.its 12.08am now.
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