Sunday, February 25, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
hiyaa! ok its been a pretty cool day,a long day but shocking-ly not very tiring.
ok so it started off with goin to church,i attended mass with zac,fab and mike then we met jude,then met dilly.thennn after that we went to causeway long johns for lunch.ok so this happened..
me: the coke tastes funny after eating the fries with this sauce(notee they key word's funny)
jude:oh,why you not laughing
me:"looks at him" *uck you!
hahahahaha,its pretty lame but its smth to blog abt.hah ,alrite and then fab asked the counter girl weather he cld upsize his meal to the maximum.hahahah,lame too but oh well.
ok so after lunch,hung awhile then jude left,then later we hung summore then fab left,so zac,dilly,mike and me played pool,then dilly and zac left,so mike and i decided to go causeway for dinner.after that i took a shiok bus ride to my sis's house to fetch my mom and home!.hahah alrite.thats my sunday.yeaaaaaap.i gtg,its getting late,1.15am,goodnight all!
Sunday, February 04, 2007

hi all! hahah.its been a good day.i hanged out with jude,dilly,fab and mike.played pool,ate lunch,and basicly hanged around.hahha yeeeeea.then fab and mike went off.jude,dilly and i had dinner at causeway.yeaaaaaa.i know the summary's quite short but im pretty tired,dont know why.but anyways.i'll try to blog more often cuz of my excess amount of free time.ha! ha! but for now i gtg.sooo see ya!