peters weekend=really shacked,but!.theres always a but.it was really spontaneus i might say and really fun.hahah.ok so it started out in the mornin. i was sopposed to meet jude for 9.15am mass but it dint work out in the end due to some circumstances.i met jude at like 11am in church then we wenna eat,then went to p.s to meet bella.uhhh.we waited for her like for and hr and a half.hahah,dint getta watch pirates.the tickets were all out and yea.we wenna have lunch at suntec macs.exact same spot as the day before!.hahah.we ate,hunged and talked.then jude i went for mass at good sherperd church.yeaaaa.then after that we went bay beats again,last minute plans.wenna meet chloe,fiona and fiona's friend(lucy) hahahaaa.yea.electrico's quite good.yeaaa.then jude and i took the bus back.yea.im home now i have n's oral tmr.uhhhhhh
I've Seen It All Before.
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