Like a dream you try to remember,but it's gone then you try to scream,but it only comes out as a yawn..

today was quite laid back.i followed my sis and all to chevron(some sort of country club)".my nephews and all swam.i just sat and talked with my mom.then we all had lunch and i spent almost the whole afternoon with my nephews(we're beginnin to be frenz .hahah).
yea.i've been doin alot "how planned is my life thinkin lately'(spontaneus-ses isnt gonne be on my side all the way,hahaha(inside joke).like wad im gonne do next time,and like which sch i'll be in next year.i want to become a photographer(even though if it doesnt pay much) or i wanna play my music at like coffee hang outs(starbucks,ect),like with a guitar(i dont wanna do smth that pays alot but i dont enjoy doin it) yeaa.lifes too short mannn.theres so much more to life then vedio games,movies,music and bubble gum.i wanna see the world beyond my front door!(hahahh. i rememeber this once when i was about 10,i remember tellin my sister,'i cant wait to grow up'/hahaha .and im 17 now.time is speeding up wayyyy to fast. "waitttttttttttttttt.(simon says stop)
ok about sch,i've skipped alot ALOT of classes lately.and i havent been attentin maths class like for almost 2 mths?(almost) haha.its the most boring-est sub in the whole wide world.maths isnt my cup of tea,and i havent been passing any(even if i tried).at least give me an E for effort.F is so unreasonable.i've been gettin f in maths like for the pass 2 years? suxxxx.but i shall try,like maybe TRY to get a C? hahah not goin to sch tmr sch doesnt support normal sch hols but i'll make my own hol.hahahaha alrite. gtg now.
over and out!( happy national day everyone!)